Monday, March 5, 2012

Assault on Valjevo Castle

Assault on Valjevo Castle
A Living Forgotten Realms adventure for 4-6 PCs of 14-17th level.

Infiltrate the fortress castle of the "Lord of the Ruins" and dismantle the magical wards that protect the Castle from invasion. 

On the northern shore of the Moonsea, the city of Phlan has seen more than its share of conflict over the past several hundred years.  Most recently, Phlan is once again divided between two forces vying for control of the city's lucrative trading location. Roughly half the city is controlled by a civilized force of humans and dwarves who seek to restore a mercantile democracy, while the other is occupied by the monstrous army of the so-called "Lord of the Ruins", backed by the Church of Bane. 

Over the past several winters, the civilized forces have been retaking Phlan block by painstaking block, and while it appeared the city would soon be under human rule once more, the Lord and his Banite priests responded effectively. Using magic of unknown origin, the Lord of the Ruins encased his castle fortress in a seemingly impregnable sphere of force. Similar to the Elven Mythals of old, this magic turned away sword and spell alike, and allowed the Banite armies complete safety to rest, train and strike with impunity. While the magical protection stands, the Banite armies cannot be defeated, and thus a stalemate now persists. 

The Council of civilized Phlan has discreetly hired a specialized team of adventurers to dismantle the barrier and enable their forces to siege the Castle. You have responded to the call and your reputation has earned the trust and respect of the Council. The intelligence on the fortress known as Valjevo Castle is summarized as follows:

Valjevo Castle 
Valjevo Castle has stood for over 1,000 years, a testament to its clever construction and strategic defenses, first among which is the river Stojanow that serves as an effective moat on 3 sides.          
  • The entrance used by the current army as well as mercenaries and merchants who supplement and service the forces is Stojanow Gate. While the magical barrier does not cover the gates, they are well defended.     
  • 30' high granite walls flank a single entrance which has both a front and rear gate. These gates are open during the day to allow flow of traffic, and are guarded by foot soldiers on the ground with support from Fire Giants and crossbowmen atop the walls that can sound an alarm to summon additional troops.               
  • Directly beyond these gates are several smaller buildings for provision storage and housing of those seeking entrance past the magical barrier.        
  • Those seeking passage through the barrier must obtain a ward token distributed with great caution by a clerk's office in this area. It is known that the daily traffic includes the Lord's army and supplemental mercenaries, merchants, servants/slaves and the occasional ambassador from regional powers.           
  • Beyond the magical barrier is the Castle Proper, where the army has barracks, mess halls, and other buildings. It is here merchants may sell their wares, soldiers train, rest and repair equipment, etc. 
  • It is in this area where we suggest a rendezvous with The Vanisher, a secret agent of the Council posing as a merchant. Vanisher can be located by visiting the merchant stores and asking to purchase a staff made from Zalantar wood. This agent has additional intelligence about locating and dismantling the source of the magical barrier.  
  • The Castle Proper surrounds another set of granite walls, beyond which is an enormous maze of poisonous hedges. The Council knows little about this maze other than visitors traverse it only with armed escort.          
  • At the center of this maze lies Castle Valjevo itself. The Council provides a schematic for the interior that was accurate some 40 winters ago, it is unknown if changes have been made since that time. The Lord of the Ruins is believed to be the Castle presently.       

The Magical Barrier (Mythal)    
The wizards of civilized Phlan refer to this magic as a "Mythal", similar to that which protected Myth Drannor in ancient times.   
  • Only those in possession of a ward token may physically bypass the barrier. Bypassing the barrier otherwise by physical or magical means appears impossible, as all attempts have failed thus far.        
  • Making matters more difficult, the Mythal is reported to prohibit many forms of magical transportation and communication, even for those in possession of a token.              
  • Specifically, it is known teleportation and dimensional travel do not function within the Mythal, nor do magical flight, scrying or telepathy.      
The Lord of the Ruins    
The Council knows few facts about this entity, but shares several of the more credible rumors.                
  • The Lord commands many powerful creatures, such as the Fire Giants that guard Stojanow Gate, and therefore must also be powerful.     
  • The Lord is said to be a winged creature, perhaps a Devil, Demon or Dragon.      
  • Some tavern tales even suggest the Lord is the being known as Tyranthraxus, a powerful extraplanar entity that once ruled Phlan in the early 1340's DR. (Current year 1479-1482 DR)